System Automation Initiative Capacity Building (SAI Capacity Building) application is a technology driven initiative to automate the complete workflow of administrative activities connected with the training activities in Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IAAD). The application covers entire gamut of activities from training needs analysis to impact assessment.
The project is entirely driven and developed in-house using open-source technology, making it a totally zero-cost venture .It is the first in-house developed application that includes every single employee of the department as its user.
The portal has been built with the main purpose of providing easy access to information, reducing man hours in administrative activities related to training and including employees in capacity building process. It is designed as a one-stop solution for capacity building activities in IAAD with a comprehensive database of employees, training data, faculty and training materials.
The application enables end-to-end online processing of training needs analysis, training calendars, nominations and registration, feedback and impact assessment, cutting down considerably the time and effort on these activities. A two-step verification built in all modules helps in ensuring data quality. Automation of communication through e-mail and SMS to the stakeholders in all pertinent processes provides them with instant information and alerts.